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Girls' Day 2016



Girls' Day is a country-wide event to introduce schoolgirls to disciplines and careers in which women are usually underrepresented. This year, it took place on Thursday, April 28th 2016.

W2W took part in this event in Munich (LMU), in Mainz (JGU) and in Karlsruhe (KIT).

  • At the LMU in Munich, 17 girls between 12 and 15 years old took part in the workshop "Wind, Weather and Climate change" at the Meteorological Institute. They had a tour of the roof instruments, the computer room and the weather station. They also actively took part in lab experiments where they learned about the föhn winds, the Coriolis force and convection. In smaller groups, they made experiments such as producing rain and constructing a thermometer. This event awoke the interest of a few participants for Meteorology and a few inquired about internships. The event was organized by two W2W female employees and 12 additional scientists from the institute contributed to the event. The program can be downloaded here. Please visit this website to see the offer (English version here).


    Gruppenbild_GirlsDay2016_noname                                             Participants and a few helpers in Munich
  • At the JGU in Mainz, 16 girls between 12 and 15 years old took part in the workshop "What do you need for a good weather forecast?" at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics. They built their own thermometer and a wind anemometer, which they could test in the wind channel of the institute. They had a tour of the instruments on the roof and in the weather station of the institute. In the vertical wind channel, the girls produced a floating rain droplet. Discussions with interesting questions took place throughout the day. The event was organized by two female employees of JGU, one of which is in W2W. Please visit this website to see the offer.

GirlsDay2016-Teilnehmerinnen_JGUParticipants in Mainz

  • At KIT in Karlsruhe, 14 girls between 10 and 15 years old took part in the workshop "Weather, clouds, vortices and climate" and explored phenomena in the atmosphere. They stepped into meteorologists' shoes and launched a radiosonde from the roof top. While the data was collected, the girls conducted small experiments to learn about cloud formation, convection, sea level rise, the greenhouse gas effect and its consequences on climate. The highlight of the event was the vortex experiment,  a rotating water column, which shows how a tornado occurs. A short analysis of the radiosonde data was conducted. The balloon flew up to at least 9 km high. The event was organized by five female employees of KIT, one of which is in W2W. Please visit this website to see the offer.
